Height: 9 to 11.8 feet tall and 29.5 feet long
Weight: 14,000-26,000 pounds
Speed: 10 mph
Number of Dinosaurs: 13
Fun Facts
Unlike their original forebearers, the Triceratops clones have elephant-like feet instead of pronounced claws on the innermost of 3 of its 5 toes and have 2 jugal horns on their cheeks instead of 1. The adult clones have epoccipitals on their frills instead of the juveniles. InGen's Triceratops ranged from 8.8 to 10.7 meters (29-35 feet) in length and 2.7 to 4.6 meters (9-15 feet) in height, with the largest individuals being encountered on Isla Sorna in 2001. Triceratops were highly sociable. However, they were also aggressive as well, so they had to be treated with care. They had two skin variations, one being brown and the other being beige with stripes down the back.
The Triceratops in Jurassic Park have been observed consuming plants that were not previously known to be part of their diet. However, these plants were found to be toxic to the dinosaur, causing adverse reactions and making them feel sick.
Triceratops are generally known to exhibit calm behavior and prefer to stay in herds. They have been observed peacefully coexisting with other herbivores, such as in the gyrosphere valley, without engaging in conflicts. However, Triceratops may display aggression when they feel threatened or when confronted by predators.
Mother Triceatops are shown to care for their calves, as seen in the Lockwood manor where were shown to be nudging each other for comfort.